We supply Replica Helmets to Race Teams & Drivers. They're sought after by adoring fans as collectible items, are an ideal promotional tool for Sponsors and the ultimate gift with purchase (GWP) for Brands.

In 2016, SICLIDS embarked on a groundbreaking journey, delving deep into the realm of customising and replicating helmets with a FULL factory finish, all at an accessible price point.
Three (3) years of relentless research and development culminated in a monumental achievement in 2019 – the launch of the first fully customised helmet and replica helmet for AMG Mercedes.
Fast forward to 2024, and SICLIDS stands tall with a legacy of over 10,000 meticulously crafted helmets. From racers, race teams and sponsors aiming for brand visibility and adoring fans eager to show their support in style - our helmets have become synonymous with excellence, innovation and passion for the racing community.
Every helmet is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and aesthetics. Our expert craftsmen pour their expertise and attention to detail into each piece, ensuring that every curve, colour and finish is nothing short of perfection.
Join the ranks of champions and enthusiasts who trust SICLIDS to deliver not just helmets, but a symbol of dedication, professionalism and the pursuit of greatness.
Elevate your racing experience with a SICLIDS helmet – because in the world of motorsports, every detail matters.

At SicLids, we redefine helmet customization with a process that not only crafts top-tier 'Factory Finish' quality but also scales seamlessly.
Dive into the world of bespoke helmet replicas where precision meets passion – your journey into exceptional memorabilia begins with SicLids.

Discover the pinnacle of individuality at SicLids with our exclusive one-off custom helmets.
Each masterpiece is meticulously crafted, consuming 40-50 hours of dedicated artistry.
Immerse yourself in the essence of uniqueness – where every stroke, color and detail tells a story.
Elevate your passion with SicLids, where time-honored craftsmanship meets unrivaled dedication in only 4-6 weeks.